Miscellaneous » Series D - Personnel » DC R-1 Request for Adding Staff/Position

DC R-1 Request for Adding Staff/Position

Adoption Date: 2/12/2013
D - Personnel


DC R-1 Request for Adding Staff/Position


Contact: Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services


This regulation is intended to provide a general description of the process to be used when administrators are requesting a staff/position increase.   Staffing adjustments are not common practice and will only be approved due to a significant need due to:

  • Enrollment increases
  • Added and approved course/program
  • Grants or use of federal allocation
  • Misalignment with staffing allocations

A request for a staff/position increase must originate with a Campus Principal, Director, Cabinet Members, or Superintendent.


The request must be in memorandum form and include the following:

  • Position
  • Projected start date
  • Funding source (Local, State compensatory, Title, etc.)
  • Terms of service (work days)
  • Rationale for requesting the staff increase
  • Attachment of an updated job description
  • Signature of Administrator making the request

The memorandum will be submitted to the Director of Human Resources. Upon receipt of the memorandum, the following steps will take place:

  • The requested addition will be reviewed to determine if it is aligned with the staffing ratios by the Director of Human Resources.
  • Rationale for the request will be reviewed by the Director of Human Resources and the Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services.



The Director of Human Resources and/or the Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services will make a recommendation to the Superintendent’s Cabinet regarding the staff/position increase by submitting the memorandum originally submitted by the Principal, Director, or Cabinet member. The Director of Human Resources will communicate to the requestor the decision regarding the requests for a staff/position addition.



If approved by the Superintendent’s Cabinet, a signature from the Superintendent and Chief Financial Officer will be secured prior to notification.