Miscellaneous » Series D - Personnel » DC R-2 Federal Programs Hiring Guidelines

DC R-2 Federal Programs Hiring Guidelines

Adoption Date: 12/9/2013
D - Personnel


DC R-2 Federal Programs Hiring Guidelines


Contact: Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning




This regulation is intended to provide procedures for hiring federal program staff/positions in special program areas. This is particularly important in order to ensure recruitment, retention and compliance for all federal program areas: Special Education, Bilingual/ESL, CTE, and TItle I. 



The following procedures shall be adhered to when hiring:



Step 1: The Campus Administrator will notify the corresponding Federal Programs/Special Services Directors/Coordinators of vacancies.



Step 2 - The Federal Programs screening committee will generate a list of qualified candidates from the Human Resources database. 



Step 3 - The Federal Programs screening committee will inform the campus administration of the list of eligible candidates.  



Step 4 - The Federal Programs designee will provide interview questions to the campus administration based on the job description for the position.



Step 5 - The campus administration will set the interview dates and include the following participants:



            1. Principal or Assistant Principal
            2. Federal Programs/Special Services Representative
            3. Other campus representative i.e. Department Chairs



Step 6 - The candidate recommendation will be submitted to Human Resources for approval by the Superintendent and/ or Board as required by policy.