District Curriculum
The academic expectations of Big Horn County School District #2 are built on the foundation of the Content & Performance Standards. As a district, we adopted the Wyoming State Content and Performance Standards. These include standards in nine content areas. Curriculum, instruction, and assessment are provided so students can have many opportunities through time to meet the standards. The documents below show how the courses at Big Horn #2 address the standards in the four core areas.
A Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum is a factor that strongly influences student achievement (Marzano, 2003). What is a guaranteed & viable curriculum? The guarantee is that we will give our students opportunity to learn what is essential. In our district, the essential learning is defined by the Wyoming Content & Performance Standards. A viable curriculum is one that can be delivered in the amount of available instructional time.
During the 2014-15 school year, the focus is on the ongoing development of curriculum maps, essential learnings, and the district assessment system.
Follow the links below for the Wyoming Content and Performance Standards in the nine content areas: