Pearsall ISD Video
Test Video
Uploaded Jun 14, 2011 -
Test Video 2
On November 19th, McDowell Tech is participating in the Tobacco-Free College Campus Initiative to take a 1 Day Stand against tobacco in celebration of the American Cancer Society's Great American Smokeout. In addition, on January 1, the college will become Tobacco-Free following a recent change in college policy by the MTCC Board of Trustees.
Uploaded Nov 18, 2015
Great American Smokeout activities will be held November 19th 11:00 am-3:00 pm in the Commons Area of the Cedar Building, (Building 11). Kimberly Freeman, RN, from The McDowell Hospital will provide information and visuals on the dangers of smoking, as well as information about tobacco cessation. Nursing students will be on hand to provide blood pressure screenings and Health Information Technology students will promote National Rural Health Day and hand out mints and gum to aid in the tobacco cessation process.
In addition, navigators will be available to assist adults who are interested in health insurance plans that are available through the Affordable Care Act during this fall's open enrollment period. These navigators can guide students through the enrollment process, as well as provide information about enrollment options. The public is invited to participate and may make an appointment by calling 828.437.8280. -
Hill College
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