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BQ R-1 - Teacher Communication Council

Adoption Date: 5/4/2012, Revised: 7/24/2014
B - Local Governance
BQ R-1 Teacher Communication Council

Contact: Superintendent 
The purpose of the Teacher Communication Council (TCC) is to improve communication regarding work related issues for teachers throughout the district.

Each campus will elect one teacher representative and one alternate to serve on the TCC.


  • Elections for TCC representatives will be conducted by ballot yearly at the campus level no later than the second week of school. 
  • All full time BISD teachers are eligible to make nominations, and vote in TCC elections.
  • Each campus must elect a representative and an alternate.
  • Elected representatives/Alternates must be certified full time teachers on a BISD campus and meet the following qualifying criteria:
    • Worked at the campus as a certified teacher for a minimum of 2 years.
    • Willingness to serve the entire one school year term.
      • Representatives/Alternates may serve subsequent terms if elected by faculty but may not exceed two consecutive terms.
    • Willingness to accept the responsibilities required of a TCC representative.
    • Willingness to provide campus representation at each of the TCC meetings.
    • Demonstrates positive and professional representation of the campus.

Meetings will be conducted a minimum of 4 times per year and will be led by the Superintendent and Cabinet. The purpose of the meetings will be to respond to and discuss district-level questions submitted by campus representative.

The campus representative or alternate are expected to attend each of the scheduled meetings. In the event a representative can no longer fulfill their duties, the alternate will serve as the representative and the campus will elect another alternate.

Council Guidelines:
The following guidelines shall apply for this council:

  • The meetings will be limited to 1 hour in length to respect the time of the campus representatives.
  • Campus representatives will be given an opportunity to ask their campus questions. Questions of a like nature should not be repeated to save on time.
  • Campus representatives will be allowed to provide unanswered questions to the Superintendent at the end of the meeting.
  • A summary of the questions and responses will be available on the district intranet approximately 1 week after the meeting.

Responsibilities of the Campus Representative:

  • Representatives will collect questions from their campus approximately 1 week prior to the meeting date.
  • The campus representative will review questions and consolidate based on common topics.
  • The campus representative has the authority to adjust questions as needed to consolidate.
  • The campus representative should bring questions that meet the following guidelines:
    • Questions related to district issues with implications affecting most teachers in general.
    • Should be in the format of a question as opposed to statements of suggestions/complaints.
    • Questions that have been shared with the campus principal prior to the TCC meeting.

Note: the principal does not have the authority to deny the asking of questions by the TCC representative but should help the representative determine if a question is a district issue.

<iframe width="560" height="315" https://www.youtube.com/embed/gPr_F63uPD8 frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>