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BX R-1 Board Meeting Recognition

Adoption Date: 11/21/2013
B - Local Governance


BX R-1 Board Meeting Recognition


Contact: Communications/Public Relations Department

In accordance with the following guidelines, any district employee may recommend a student, team, individual or organization for recognition by the Board of Trustees during a regularly scheduled meeting. 

Recognition requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to an upcoming monthly board meeting for consideration by the “Point of Contact Administrator” (see list below). Recognition nomination forms can be found on the Communications/PR Department website on B*Connect.  Nominations will be reviewed by the Point of Contact Administrator according to the subject area or type of award. Board recognitions will be conducted during the regular monthly board meetings, generally held the second Tuesday of the month. All recognitions must be in alignment with the recognition calendar criteria. Anything not on the calendar will be reviewed by Cabinet prior to being considered for a Board recognition.

Guidelines for Student Recognition (Fine Arts/Extracurricular; Athletics; Academic; CTE)


  • Sponsors/coaches must notify their campus principal prior to nomination submissions.


  • Sponsors/Coaches must attend the board meeting with their students to assist in the organization of the recognitions.


  • Upon recognition approval by the Point of Contact Administrator or designee (see list below), it is the responsibility of the sponsors/coaches to notify their students and parents of the upcoming board meeting as well as the following information:
    • All students and sponsors/coaches are to arrive no later than 5:40 p.m. on the night of the board recognition.
    • Students should be dressed nicely and appropriately in compliance with BISD dress code for photographs with the board.
    • Sponsors/coaches should check in with your Point of Contact Administrator and let them know which students are in attendance.
    • Photographs of the recipients and the board members will be taken during the presentation and stored in Google Drive. A link will be provided to the Point of Contact Administrator to share.


  • Recognition certificates or comparable items should be presented to students during the presentation. The Point of Contact Administrator is to decide what will be presented. Certificates may be provided by the sponsor or created by the Point of Contact Administrator from a template. The Communications Department can create certificates if information is submitted to PR/Communications Department Secretary at least two weeks prior to board meeting.

Guidelines for Staff Recognitions (Human Resources Department)


  • Upon approval the person who submitted recognition form will be contacted by the Point of Contact Administrator (see list below).
  • The Point of Contact Administrator will contact the staff member to inform them of the event.
    • Recipient should arrive by 5:45 p.m. the night of the board recognition and check in with the Point of Contact Administrator



Guidelines for Department Recognitions (Cabinet)


  • Upon approval the head of the department will be contacted by the department level cabinet member.
    • Recipient should arrive by 5:45 p.m. the night of the board recognition and check in with the Point of Contact Administrator.


 Guidelines for Extra Mile Award Recipients (Communications/PR)


  • Upon approval the person who submitted the recognition form will be contacted by the Communications/PR Department.


  • The Communications & PR Department will contact the award recipient and invite them to the board meeting.
    • Recipient should arrive at 5:45 p.m. the night of the board recognition and check in with the Point of Contact Administrator.



Point of Contact Administrators:
The Point of Contact Administrator will review nominations submitted within their designated subject area and inform the Superintendent’s Office of qualifying submissions at least one week prior to a board meeting for placement on the agenda. They will be responsible for ensuring certificates or other award items are available prior to the board meeting. They will also introduce qualifying recipients and present awards at the board meeting.


Subject Area
Point of Contact
               Fine Arts/Extra Curricular              Extra Curricular Coordinator
Athletics Asst. Superintendent of Administrative Services
Academics Director of Curriculum & Instruction
CTE Director of Federal Programs
Staff Recognition Director of Human Resources
Department Recognition Department Level Cabinet Member
Extra Mile Awards Public Relations Administrator or Communications