Miscellaneous » Series B - Local Governance » BP R-1 Administrative Regulations

BP R-1 Administrative Regulations

Adoption Date: 5/4/2012, Revised: 7/24/2014
B - Local Governance
BP R-1 Administrative Regulations

Contact: Assistant Superintendent Administrative and Leadership

Administrative Regulations are defined as processes and procedures in which employees are expected to adhere in order to ensure consistency and alignment with district goals and beliefs. Administrative Regulations are in alignment with but do not stand in place of Board policy.
Regulations will be developed collaboratively by Regulation Development Teams. RDT’s are made up of department and campus stakeholders and chaired by cabinet members.

The purpose of the RDT’s is to identify areas in the district in need of consistency and alignment and develop regulations to support vertical and horizontal alignment.

Final approval of all Administrative Regulations is done by Superintendent’s Cabinet and reviewed a minimum of every two years.

Employees are allowed to provide feedback or input regarding regulations by submitting recommended revisions to the regulation contact or a cabinet member.

The timeline for approval of an administrative regulation is two to four weeks and should adhere to the process for approval.
In unusual situations that require immediate action, the approval process will be expedited.

Staff will be notified on the last day of the week when new or revised regulations are posted.

It is the responsibility of all staff members to remain informed and comply with regulatory practices.